The benefits of drinking spearmint tea for PCOS

Understanding the Benefits of Spearmint Tea for PCOS

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects millions of women worldwide, causing hormonal imbalances that lead to a range of symptoms like hirsutism (thick, excessive hair growth), irregular periods, acne, weight gain, and infertility. 

Managing PCOS requires a multifaceted approach, and one natural remedy for managing PCOS that has gained attention for its potential benefits is spearmint tea. This refreshing, natural, herbal infusion not only offers warming relaxation, but also offers a range of advantages for those dealing with PCOS.

The benefits of drinking spearmint tea for PCOS

What is Spearmint Tea?

Spearmint tea is a herbal tea made from the leaves of the spearmint plant, scientifically known as Mentha spicata. Spearmint is a species of mint that is native to Europe and Asia but is now cultivated worldwide for its culinary and medicinal uses. 

How is Spearmint Tea different from other mint teas?

Unlike peppermint, which has a more intense flavour and contains higher levels of menthol, spearmint has a milder, sweeter taste with hints of minty freshness. Spearmint contains a variety of compounds1 that contribute to its therapeutic effects, compared to other mint plants. 

Spearmint is rich in polyphenols, including flavonoids and phenolic acids, which have been linked to improved insulin sensitivity and hormone regulation. These compounds may help address common PCOs symptoms.

Rosmarinic Acid found in spearmint tea has anti-inflammatory properties, which can help alleviate symptoms associated with PCOS, such as acne and menstrual irregularities, by reducing inflammation in the body.

The Benefits of Drinking Spearmint Tea for PCOS

Spearmint tea is valued for its simplicity, accessibility, and afforability. Unlike many supplement treatments for PCOS, spearmint tea is natural, affordable, and easy to incorporate into daily life. 

Encourages Hormone Balance:

Spearmint tea is celebrated for its ability to regulate hormones, particularly androgen levels, which are often higher in women with PCOS. Androgens are produced in excess in individuals with PCOS, leading to symptoms like acne and hirsutism (excessive hair growth). 

Studies have shown that spearmint tea consumption may help to reduce androgen levels2, offering a natural way to restore hormonal balance and alleviate some symptoms of PCOS.

Insulin Resistance:

Insulin resistance is a key feature of PCOS, where the body's cells become less responsive to insulin, leading to elevated blood sugar levels and increased risk of type 2 diabetes. 

The good news is that spearmint tea may help improve insulin sensitivity. Research suggests that regular consumption of spearmint tea can lower insulin levels and decrease insulin resistance, thereby aiding in better blood sugar control and reducing the risk of associated health complications.

Reduction in Hirsutism (excessive hair growth)

Unwanted hair growth, or hirsutism, is a common and distressing symptom for many women with PCOS. While treatments like laser therapy and medications can help manage this issue, spearmint tea offers a natural alternative. By reducing levels of androgens, spearmint tea can help slow down the growth of unwanted hair3, offering relief and boosting confidence without the need for invasive procedures or harsh medications.

Helps to Reduce Breakouts and Acne

Acne is a common and distressing symptom for many women with PCOS due to hormonal imbalances, particularly elevated levels of androgens, or male hormones, in the body. Spearmint tea may help alleviate acne associated with PCOS through hormone balancing and anti-inflammatory4 action.

Alleviates Digestive Discomfort

Many women with PCOS also struggle with digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, and abdominal discomfort. Spearmint tea, with its gentle aroma and soothing properties, can offer relief from these woes. It aids in digestion, reduces bloating, and calms an upset stomach, providing much-needed comfort to those dealing with gastrointestinal symptoms alongside PCOS.

Stress Relief:

Living with PCOS can be stressful, as managing its symptoms often requires lifestyle changes and medicinal interventions. Spearmint tea, with its refreshing flavour and calming effects, can serve as a natural stress-reliever. Its mild sedative properties help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation, making it an excellent choice for winding down after a long day or incorporating into a mindfulness routine.

spearmint tea benefits pcos

How Much Spearmint Tea Should You Drink Per Day for PCOS?

If you have PCOS, drinking at least 2-3 cups of spearmint daily is enough for you to notice differences in symptoms such as hirsutism, acne, hormone balance, and daily digestive support.

benefits of spearmint tea for pcos, acne, hair

Your Guide To Drinking Spearmint Tea for PCOS

Spearmint tea is best served warm or hot, however, you can drink it cold too! There are two options when it comes to drinking spearmint tea including:

Using Spearmint Tea Bags:

  1. Choose Quality Tea Bags: Select pure spearmint tea bags from trusted brands.
  2. Boil Water: Heat water and pour it over the tea bag in a cup.
  3. Steep for 5-7 Minutes: Let the tea bag steep, then remove it.
  4. Enjoy: Add honey or lemon if desired, and enjoy your tea!

Using Fresh Spearmint Leaves:

  1. Select Fresh Leaves: Choose vibrant, aromatic spearmint leaves.
  2. Bruise and Infuse: Bruise the leaves and steep them in hot water.
  3. Steep for 5-10 Minutes: Allow the leaves to infuse, then strain.
  4. Serve: Pour into cups and enjoy hot or cold.

Additional Tips:

  • Adjust brewing time and ratio to taste. If you prefer a stronger taste then leave the leaves and or tea bag in to brew longer.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with additional flavours like cinnamon or ginger.


What Time of Day is Best To Drink Spearmint Tea?

For individuals with PCOS, drinking spearmint tea throughout the day can be beneficial, there is no right or wrong. For example you could drink one cup in the morning and one in the evening after dinner.

Is it OK to drink spearmint tea everyday?

Yes, it is generally safe to drink spearmint tea every day and it is recommended to drink every day especially if you have PCOS.

Can mint leaves reduce belly fat?

While mint leaves may aid digestion and reduce bloating, there's limited scientific evidence to suggest that they directly reduce belly fat.

Can spearmint tea change period?

Spearmint tea to reduce androgens may help to lower other hormones like luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone, potentially contributing to better-regulated menstrual cycles after regular consumption.

What Does Spearmint Tea Taste Like?

Spearmint tea has a distinct flavour that is refreshing and slightly sweet with a hint of mintiness. It's milder compared to peppermint tea, with a smoother taste and aroma. The flavour is often described as clean, crisp, and mildly minty, with some herbal undertones. 


This article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Consult your doctor or healthcare provider before starting any supplements, treatments, or remedies. Ensure a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle before considering supplements. Supplements should not replace a balanced diet.


  1. Cirlini, M. et al. (2016) ‘Phenolic and volatile composition of a dry spearmint (mentha spicata L.) extract’, Molecules, 21(8), p. 1007. doi:10.3390/molecules21081007.
  2. Grant, P. and Ramasamy, S. (2012) ‘An update on plant derived anti-androgens’, International Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 10(2), pp. 497–502. doi:10.5812/ijem.3644.
  3. Grant, P. (2009a) ‘Spearmint herbal tea has significant anti‐androgen effects in polycystic ovarian syndrome. A randomized controlled trial’, Phytotherapy Research, 24(2), pp. 186–188. doi:10.1002/ptr.2900.
  4. Direito, R. et al. (2019) ‘Reduction of inflammation and colon injury by a spearmint phenolic extract in experimental bowel disease in mice’, Medicines, 6(2), p. 65. doi:10.3390/medicines6020065.

"As a BA (Hons) Specialist in Hair and Media Make-up with a keen interest in natural remedies for hormonal health, I've explored and tested the benefits of spearmint tea for managing PCOS symptoms." - By Rhysa Phommachanh, BA (hons) Specialist Hair and Media Make-up / Head of Digital