How To Deal With & Avoid Skin Conditions

How To Deal With & Avoid Skin Conditions

By Dr. Azam Anwar

Skin conditions affect all of us from time to time. It could be a spot, a rash or something more frustrating to deal with. Common areas include our faces, the soft skin under our arms and on joints, but skin conditions can appear anywhere. Luckily, with great skincare, you can avoid or deal with most common skin conditions – for everything else, your GP will be able to help.

Here, we look at the best way to maintain the skin all over your body and how to deal with the common skin conditions you might not be keeping an eye out for, with advice from skincare experts CLn.

Maintain A Clear Canvas

The best way to ensure you don't develop a skin condition is to make sure you are looking after it to begin with. A lot of people don't take proper care of their skin, whether it's by not drinking enough water, not getting a balanced diet or simply washing away the natural oils with harsh soaps. 

Healthy skin doesn't only look good and feel great, it is also an important protective barrier for your body. Our skin is a collection of microorganisms, most of which are harmless and many of which are beneficial. But it's a delicate balance. Losing that equilibrium is what leads to skin conditions. 

If you find you are prone to skin conditions or just want to make sure you avoid serious ones, then you should have a regular skin regimen. This means using a nourishing body wash, facial cleanser and moisturiser. CLn recommends:

  • CLn® BodyWash – This non-drying formula is free of parabens, fragrances and other skin irritants. It's ideal for daily use, even on sensitive skin or existing skin conditions. 
  • CLn® Facial Cleanser – Formulated to minimise tightness in the skin while hydrating, this cleanser is hypoallergenic and can be used daily to wash off the day's makeup and dirt.
  • CLn® Facial Moisturizer – An oil-free moisturizer, it includes fast absorbing nutrients that have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits for the skin. It's perfect for all skin types.

Apply Sun Protection & Wash It Off Properly


Sun protection is important at every age and sunscreens are vital for maintaining skin health. SPF is key to sunscreens, protecting your skin from the harsh sun and ultraviolet (UV) rays. What you might not realise is that within these sunscreens, alongside the SPF protection, are ingredients like thickeners and preservatives which clog your pores. While the sun protection power of the sunscreen will wear after a couple of hours, these other ingredients stick around in your skin.

You should try to completely remove your daily sun protection, even if you don't feel like it's still there, in order to restore your skin's natural balance and avoid waking up with a skin condition. A skin cleanser or body wash is the best way to do this. However, be careful which ones you choose. Some effective skin body wash will strip out the harmful chemicals but may also take your skin's oils with it. 

CLn have been careful with their products, ensuring that moisture retention is built into their formula. Their facial cleansers are ideal for clearing your face of sunscreen. For your body, it is recommended you use a wash based on your skin type:

Use Products Formulated For Adult Acne (Not Teen Skin)

Spots are a normal part of being a teenager, what with puberty making your hormones and skin balance go haywire. Adult acne is a different, though similar, issue and affects a huge number of adults. It can be frustrating to experience acne as an adult, when you feel like you should have grown out of it. Acne affects all ages and there are some kinds that are more prevalent in adults. 

Common causes of acne in adults can include hormonal changes, pollution (particularly if you live in a busy city), bacteria and stress. All of these, and in combination, can contribute to all kinds of conditions, including acne.

The best remedies for adult acne are cleansers and moisturisers specifically designed for adult skin. Teenage skin is typically more oily than older skin so don't be tempted to use teen-targeted face washes as they might have the wrong effect.

You should look for cleansers that have low levels of salicylic acid as these are best suited for adult skin. For example, CLn's Acne Cleanser has 0.5% salicylic acid, meaning it will gently cleanse skin, helping to clear breakouts without overdrying your skin.

When it comes to choosing a good moisturiser for adult skin prone to acne, look for something lightweight and non-comedogenic – a fancy way of saying it won't clog your pores. Helpfully, moisturisers will indicate on the bottle if they are non-comedogenic.

Protect Against Gym & Sports Related Skin Conditions


There are two common skin infections that often occur in gyms and contact sports. If you want to avoid them then you need to know the signs and how to cleanse your skin properly. 

The first is ringworm. A common fungal infection, it appears as round skin lesions with an empty centre. Despite the name it isn't caused by worms. It can also be treated with over-the-counter remedies. Ringworm can spread quickly, looking like a rash or acne. 

The second is Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA). The NHS notes that 'MRSA lives harmlessly on the skin of around 1 in 30 people, usually in the nose, armpits, groin or buttocks.' It can appear as boils or red lesions on the skin which expand over time and is most commonly spread through cuts and scrapes. More serious cases will require treatment by a GP.

To avoid both of these skin conditions if you are a regular gym user and/or contact sports player, you should do the following:

  • Wipe down equipment before use. 
  • Don't share makeup brushes or gym clothes, including hats.
  • Use a body wash containing sodium hypochlorite after exercising as it cleanses the skin thoroughly.

Minimise Risk When Using A Nail Salon

Nail infections and skin infections around nails are common in public areas where your hands and feet come into contact, such as swimming pool changing rooms and nail salons. Although nail salons may do all they can to keep equipment clean, there is a risk of you contracting a skin condition there. 

Some of the common causes include dull nail files, which damage the skin, causing small cuts, and poor nail trimming, leading to overexposure of skin or damage. 

Here are a few things you can do to avoid contracting a skin condition in a salon:

  • Shave your legs at least 24hrs before visiting – shaving causes small skin abrasions which make infections more likely. They need time to heal before you visit a public salon.
  • Request disposable gloves for your technician – many salons don't turn away those with fungal infections so you can ensure it isn't transferred to you by asking your technician to wear gloves.
  • Use a hand and foot cleanser after your visit – using a sodium hypochlorite cleanser helps to ensure you wash away any possible skin condition causing bacteria before they take hold. CLn Hand & Foot Wash is a great option for a post nail salon pamper.

Recommended Products

You can find all kinds of products to keep your skin healthy and avoid skin conditions. We recommend the following CLn products above:


The products offered are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness or disease, or to replace the advice of a medical professional. Results are not guaranteed and may vary from individual to individual.